Spacechips has designed, built and offers a range of advanced, AI-enabled, VHF to K-band, re-configurable, multi-band, ultra high-throughput transponders, small, low-power, smart, Edge-based on-board processors, SDRs and MMUs for telecommunication, Earth-Observation, SIGINT/ELINT and ISAM applications.
Spacechips develops bespoke space-electronics solutions for manufacturers of satellites and spacecraft as well as advising on parts selection, how to design, test, assemble and manufacture space electronics.
Spacechips positions component/technology providers to the satellite industry as the go-to-supplier, increases their market share, global sales and secures design-ins on future missions. Spacechips writes and publishes commissioned reviews, produces and broadcasts webinars, hosts workshops and creates Apps. Notes as well as reference designs.
Spacechips teaches training courses on Space Electronics helping companies and countries develop local capability and expertise, deliver right-first-time, to cost and schedule. Our courses compare space-grade and COTS FPGAs, ADCs/DACs, iDC-DCs and POLs, to allow you to make informed technology selections.
Spacechips helps technology suppliers considering offering their products and services to the global space market understand future technical and commercial trends for the industry. We provide answers to the following questions: what technologies will the space/satellite industry need in the future, why, where and how will these be used, and when will they be required. These insights allow our clients to define a go-to-market strategy, identify target customers, market size and establish product roadmaps to guarantee ROI.
New Company of 2017 and High-Reliability Product of 2017
High-Reliability Product of 2016
International Company of 2018
Top 100 StartUp